Afflicted with famine, wars, diseases, peopleliving in those poverty-stricken countries arestruggling for survival. From Vietnam to Burma,from Ethiopia to Cambodia, what they worry about iswhere is the next meal, how to save the long-suffering family’s life and what next day will be. Inface of this severe situation, it is suggested thatrich countries should shoulder responsibility to helpthem out of such harsh situation.
The opponents are of the opinion that this well-meant aid may engender unfavorableeffects on the current situation. To begin with, those aids are likely to be misused by localofficials. Surprising is that the poorer a country is, the higher possibility of its government’scorruption, which is, actually, the root cause for its backwardness. To make it worse, citizens,once granted food and daily necessities alike, are prone to produce strong independence andreliance. It is universally acknowledged that only those countries thriving for advance on theirown can really make a difference. Once the counting-on habit, which serves as a barrier tofurther development, is formed, to eliminate it will be a tough job.
However, proponents also have strong reasons. Primarily, the supports, financially andtechnologically, have turned out to be of high importance to boosting economy of poor nations.For example, powerful economies, like France, Britain, America to name just a few, can invest indomestic industries, so that more job opportunities are brought and living standard enhanced.Furthermore, it is a win-win strategy to reach out an aiding hand. Without doubt, moderntechnology enables the world shrink into a Village, therefore, with a few villagers suffering, anoverall prosperity is nothing but a Utopia. That is to say only when hunger is conquered,when wars are quenched globally can the real comprehensive prosperity be achieved. Mostimportant of all, those super powers, historically, were major contributors to the currenttrauma of those have-nots.
Overall, rich countries are definitely duty-bound to help their poor counterparts out. For onething, it mirrors the humanism; for another, it is an indispensable procedure in realization ofglobal peace and flourish.
Poverty reduction is again a hot topic worldwidewhen the economic crisis hits the poorest countieshardest. While more attention drawn to this issue,some problems emerge with people’s opinionsdivided. Many people believe countries have a moralobligation to help each other, whilst others arguethat aid money is, more often than not, misspent bythe recipients, so foreign aids, as a well-intendedmechanism, simply failed and need to be scrapped.
As a more widely shared knowledge than ever,poverty in the third world is an inevitable cause of all the chaos afflicting the world, fromcrimes, regional confrontations to terrorism, even pandemics. On this more and more globalizedworld, a nation could no longer be exempt from the unstableness and misery suffered by itsneighbouring countries. Even the cry from the faraway end of the globe will be brought to yourears through all the links and ties. It is, therefore, a consensus among both the rich and thepoor that only when poverty is eliminated once and for all, can peace and prosperity beattained and sustained. To this common end, the only possible way is to engage rich countriesin helping poor ones generously and unconditionally.
Sure enough, there are some high-profile scandals of fund misuse. It’s also true foreign aiddid foster corruption and irresponsible policymaking in some countries. Yet, this should notserve as the excuse of withdrawing these most needed aids which are supposed to and alsoproved to save lives and deliver hopes. A loose governance or corruptive government cannotcancel off the desperate needs of its people. On the other hand, there are some effectivemeasures can be taken to avoid, at least to some extent, such undesirable situations, forinstance, strengthening the supervision of fund disbursement, delivering aids through thenetwork of non-governmental organizations, or helping to promote recipient counties’governance and management.
In other words, the abuses involved with foreign aids can be checked through otheravailable means rather than just abandoning the whole package altogether. As I mentionedabove, there is hardly any way more effective than international aids in fighting world hungerand its tragic consequences. On no accounts would we give up on our shared dream of creatinga planet free from tears and bleeding. So let’s work together to hold the rich countriesaccountable in this tough battle.